Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Convoy as Convoy Commander

Convoy sucked.  Blew out a tire, had to set up a security perimeter.  Someone let a guy with an airhose into the perimeter to help me.  Should have told me he was doing that.  An Afghan taps me on the shoulder when I'm not looking --- I started pulling my weapon before I figured out what was going on.  Luckily, I had my pistol strapped so I didn't complete the draw. 

He was trying to help.  We used his air hose.  I paid him $10.

We had some other equipmet issues along the way, not a happy time.  I'm tired, sweaty (ever changed a tire on an up-armored truck while wearing body armor and a helmet?), and flustered.

I'm SO going to sleep well tonight.


Bag Blog said...

I love a blog with photos. Rest up and keep blogging.

1776 said...

I read all your posts and still don't know a thing about you! Tell us a little about who you are ...

So far I like your blog, just wish I knew more.